Journal 7

I've enjoyed using Twitter in this class, but it is definitely challenging to keep up with. This is primarily due to the fact that I don't use Twitter on a regular basis, so I often forget or just happen to remember to check it twice a week. However, I have found it useful when I do remember to use it and have found interesting articles and been exposed to important issues because of it. I've learned about technological advances in classroom, and about different teaching methods that are less rigid than what I was used to. I've found that many classrooms that incorporate technology are more progressive and allow more student independence. Whether if it's allowing the students to learn about what they want or even just letting them get up and walk around the room without being called on.

I've never created a webpage before so the mere idea of being assigned one for a grade was, needless to say, daunting. However, I found Weebly a very user friendly and easy to use tool in creating my page. I did have some issues when I first was trying to layout my webpage and add text and pictures. But after a few trial and errors I figured out how to work all the features. I think next time I try to create a webpage with Weebly I won't use a theme as a skeleton, because I just found myself trying to wipe most of the accessories the theme had already inserted onto the page. Also that way I could personalize the page more. Since I want to be an elementary teacher, this assignment was very practical because I will most likely have to make a class page like this one. Below is a link and a screenshot of my webpage.

By using Diigo I feel like I've improved my annotation skills and have learned how to weed out bad websites and sources better. I've also found the tags you can add to bookmarks very helpful in organizing the information you've found. In my future classroom I don't foresee the children using it as much as me and my fellow teachers. Many schools have multiple teachers and classes for 1st, 2nd, 3rd, etc. grade, so all the class teachers from one grade can share helpful tools and sites that can benefit the grade as a whole. This also ensures that all the students, regardless of classroom, are learning the same information to prepare them for the next grade.
