Journal 6
The website I found was that of a teacher named Mrs. Brunner who teaches 6th grade math at Lumpkin County Middle. The information she posts that is public is her schedule so you can come to her when she's free for help, supplies needed, reminders, daily agendas, and a link to a class twitter. It's convenient that the kids can see what they'll be doing each day of class with the daily agendas posted. Posting the reminders is also helpful for the students to remember what needs to be done, and it allows the parents to see it and make sure their child is on top of their work.

I imagine I'll probably be using a lot of technology as a teacher. Since I want to do elementary I feel like children are more drawn to learning via tablets or technology in general. I've also been having to observe classrooms for another education class and found that ClassDojo is effective in reenforcing good behavior because the reports go directly to the student's parents. I also think there are cool educational tools for kids like ProdigyGame, StoryBird, VocabularySpellingCity, and so much more that my students would love to use. As for teaching--rather than practice--I'll probably stick to using a SmartBoard. I've always found them to be very helpful and effective, so unless there's something way cooler that comes out, I'll probably take advantage of that as a teacher.
When I went to the Technology Sandbox last week I was fascinated by the virtual reality. It was crazy because as much as it seemed like I was somewhere else I could hear the people in the actual room talking and moving around. I would love to incorporate this into my classroom as a way to show kids the things I've only ever learned through a textbook. For example, in science class we would learn about volcanos and ocean and wildlife, but never got to visit it in person. With virtual reality, students can see natural phenomenons and visit planets and learn about these things up close versus in a textbook.
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